Since we have not yet got a logo, we are running a contest for the best logo! Anybody can join.
There are no full members yet, so, yeah.
Non members: Automatically NEWBIE!
Newbies: Automatically FULL member!

If the logos are all that horrible, then we will have no choice but to not give out any awards! Don't think you'll get free passage to membership just by entering the contest!

We have a new member, CyberixSagaStudios (Yes, that's me, and I'm talking in third person)! He is going to be responsible for scripting and music. He is also classified into the group Moderators.

Currently, we are working on two projects:
1. The Tunnel of Light MMORPG
2. Pokémon ∞ Infinite

Our forum thread is located here.


    Wesley Ding, also known as CyberixSagaStudios, is the operator of this site. He also owns a personal website.


    June 2013

